Tuesday 21 May 2013

welcome to the room

Hello dear diary,

I have no idea what is exactly eaten in many countries until I get a small taste of it.it still leaves me questioning or wanting to see what else is eaten there.this just happened not very long ago.below I will give u a glimpse of some Burmese food .i did go out to the country as usual it happened by luck someone knew the place where there are several restaurants and not long I and the others got a taste of it. Moving on if you ask me what I thought or if I like it. Honestly not exactly but it was wonderful to grab a taste of the food around other South East Asia countries.basically I thought if the noodles were have been hot then perhaps I would have enjoyed it.the cook asked for the amount of spicy we wanted but still but not that of the best to me once more i confirm.take a look  and see the pictures and hope your journey in Asia be wonderful .

This are the 2 kinds of noodle .

lastly the fish soup along with noodles.this was the only one that was hot.

lets keep moving on with things around me. i just have a quick thought since i have been growing up in a different place than Latin America.there is this one fruit i found on local market and some supermarkets around the city.At first i didn't know exactly what it was ,since i had seen the fruit back at home and also the tree but we never ate that or never saw it at our local market.Seems people in my country don't eat it.Well , i then asked someone what is the fruit for and if it is eatable,hhaa. Surprisingly it is eaten by people around Asia but one thing is kind of smelly.so be on lookout for this strong smell which i have learned the more it smell means ready to eat.Then just now i have found out it has healthy benefits and honestly i haven't tried it except the biscuits ,which attract the smelly flavor.Other thing that i also don't know is how to buy them however there is a website here and you can read if you ever get interest in trying it off and i let you know what i feel when i get to try it.

Beach time

what is next , today .It happens that few weeks or lets say 

sometime in June i had some interest

in going to the beach.I found a friend to go with me so we took the train from the city to the 

popular and most nearest beach to Taipei. the beach is called Fulong .It takes about 2 hours to 

get there by train as that is what my friend and i took.The reason we wanted to go is play a little 

on the sand and see the  sand sculpures. With my acquaintance on getting there is to check the 
train schedule or else u might be in some trouble and be coming in a crowded train .Once you 

get there it will only take you a few minutes to get to the beach, but whoah be aware you want to 
go into the beach just to take pictures or go for a swim don't be surprise, you got to pay 100 

Taiwan Dollars.I was quiet shocked that to go to the beach i needed to pay an entrance fee. 

That is dumb to me And the other thing that surprised me was that people can't swim wherever 

they wished.Guess what you better stick to one area or the coast guard will chase you . 

Guys this is the link for the Fulong Beach ,just have fun and check it out it might not be the most 

beautiful beach but just to see the real thing be okay.

reference http://events.necoast-nsa.gov.tw/SandArt13/en1.html

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